Scientific Information Agency
10 May 2022

Articles about the Cossacks History in the Historical Journal «Bylye Gody» (2006-2021)

Bylye Gody
Articles about the Cossacks History in the Historical Journal «Bylye Gody» (2006-2021)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the significance of the Russian historical journal «Bylye Gody» for actual Cossack studies. «Bylye Gody» is not a specialized journal for Cossack studies. But the original place of publication of the journal (Sochi) contributed to the establishment of contacts between the journal and the historians of the South of Russia, for whom the Cossack studies is traditional. Therefore, analyzing whose articles about the history of the Cossacks were published in the journal «Bylye Gody», one can understand the significance of this journal for the scientific community of the South of Russia. The article examines publications in the journal «Bylye Gody» about the history of the Cossacks and publications of recognized Cossack researchers on other topics from 2006 to 2021. It is shown that Cossack topics played an increasing role as the journal's authority grew (the first articles about the history of the Cossacks were published in 2010, in 2010−2014 publications about the history of the Cossacks have repeatedly opened issues, and since 2018 Cossack topics have been presented in each issue of the magazine). It is concluded that for the Cossack researchers of the South of Russia journal «Bylye Gody» are a kind of «exhibition platform». The journal presents most of the scientific centers of the region, in which the study of the Cossacks is conducted. Often the authors of published materials are leaders of scientific schools/organizers of science. However, each of these centers published a relatively small number of articles about the history of the Cossack. Cossack studies publications on the in the journal «Bylye Gody» make it possible to form a fairly adequate picture of the study of the history of the Cossacks in the South of Russia. In addition, the journal periodically publishes materials about the history of the Cossacks, researchers of the history of the Cossacks from outside the South of Russia, including fairly significant figures.

Source: Artyom Yu. Peretyatko (2021). Articles about the Cossacks History in the Historical Journal «Bylye Gody» (2006−2021). Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(3): 1063-1074

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