The article discusses the history of the development of the russian historical journal “Bylye Gody” in 2006—2016 years. The attention is paid to the process of the formation of the journal, the change of format and thematic direction of the publication. The authors have selected as materials the open resources, which provide the information about the journal. The bibliometrical and statistical data were brought from the platforms of Russian scientific citation index, Directory of Open Access Journals, Open Academic Journals Index, Scopus and Web of Science. In conclusion, the authors state that over the 15 years of its existence, the journal has occupied its own niche — the world history of the period 1613−1917, which was due to the weak study of this era and the presence of a sufficient number of various sources. The most cited publications of the journal are in several thematic areas: the history of pedagogy, the history of the Caucasus and the history of the Russian Empire or its regions. As a rule, the authors of the journal are grant holders from the countries of Eurasia and America. At the same time, according to Scopus data, about 20−25 % of articles in recent years have been carried out by international research groups.
Source: Goran Rajovic, Larisa G. Berezovskaya, Lyudmila A. Posokhova, Ilya V. Tyurin (2021). The Russian Historical Journal "Bylye Gody" (2006–2021 years): Some Results. Bylye Gody. 2021. 16(3): 1056-1061
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