Administration and supervision of crisis zones is a frequently discussed topic these days. This study focuses on a specific segment of this issue rooted in the specificities of international transitory administration. By presenting and analysing the legal standing of Saarland and the situation of the Freistaat Danzig between the two World Wars, the reader may gain an insight into the first wing beats of the international community aimed at crisis management. The study looks in detail into legal legitimacy, the credibility of efficiency and control functions through the work of the two bodies temporarily appointed by the League of Nations. The presentation of the administration of Saarland, so important for Germany, could significantly contribute to deepening Hungarian-German economic and political relations, and to an accurate determination of the deficiencies of current crisis management.
Source: Somogyi R. (2018). Comparison of the situation of Freistaat Danzig and Saarland under the auspices of the League of Nations. Central European Papers. 6(2): 29-36
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