Scientific Information Agency
19 November 2018

Correspondence Between The Academician Evgeny Fedorov And Tsou Yi-Hsin

Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Correspondence Between The Academician Evgeny Fedorov And Tsou Yi-Hsin

Setting a high value on such component of historical studies as the history of science the authors refer to the history of astronomical surveys development. In current paper special attention is given to the establishment and development of scientific institutions in the sphere of latitude observations. Particularly, the activity of Poltava Gravimetric Observatory, which was established in 1926 and played a role of fundamental gravimetric post connected to the world gravimetric network, is covered separately. The correspondence between astronomical scientists could be used as a valuable source for studying latitude investigations in the 20s century. In this work we present the texts of nine letter written in English, which are a part of correspondence between Ukrainian Soviet astronomical scientist E.P. Fedorov and Chinese scientist Tsou Yi-Hsin. The correspondence took place from 1957 to 1965 and ended up with the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in China in 1966-1976. Letters presented in the article contain information concerning the training of Chinese astronomers in the Soviet Union and establishment of latitude observations in China

Source: Pryn М., Pryn О., Degtyarev S. (2015) Correspondence Between The Academician Evgeny Fedorov And Tsou Yi-Hsin: Materials To The History Of Latitude Investigations. Sumy Historical and Archival Journal. №XXV: 33-41

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