Scientific Information Agency
24 January 2024

Electricity will change the village face (the coverage of the rural electrification process by the local press of Sumy region during 1945-1955)

Ancient Sumy Land
Electricity will change the village face (the coverage of the rural electrification process by the local press of Sumy region during 1945-1955)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristic features of the coverage of the rural electrification process by the local press of Sumy Oblast in the second half of the 1940s — the first half of the 1950s. It is estimated that during the first post-war decade, printed materials that touched on the topic of rural electrification in the columns of the Sumy regional newspaper were most often published in 1948-1951. This demonstrates the degree of attention paid to the process by the authorities and corresponds to the activity of efforts to implement it at that time. In general, according to the content, all materials of the regional press devoted to rural electrification are divided into several groups: 1) reports, information about the opening of new electric power facilities; 2) visual materials dedicated to rural electrification (maps, photos); 3) publications devoted to the use of electricity, the consequences of electrification for the village; 4) criticism, complaints about shortcomings, coverage of electrification problems on the ground. The given division is to a certain extent conditional, since the same publication could be assigned to two or even more groups at once in terms of content. The coverage of rural electrification in the local press was part of the campaigning and propaganda support of the mentioned process and was characterized by richness in form and content. The significant informativeness of this mass of information makes it a valuable source for further prospective studies of the problems of post-war rural development both at the regional level and within the territorial boundaries of all of Ukraine.

Source: Korol V.M. (2023). "Electricity will change the village face" (the coverage of the rural electrification process by the local press of Sumy region during 1945-1955). Ancient Sumy Land. №LXII: 5-13

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