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23 May 2021

Enlightening Activity of the Volhynian Lyceum As an Example of Pedagogical Dedication

Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Enlightening Activity of the Volhynian Lyceum As an Example of Pedagogical Dedication

The article is devoted to the characterization of the cultural palette of Kremenets as one of the most important educational centers of Volhynia of the first half of the XIX century. The leading cultural center of the city of that time was the Volhynia gymnasium and lyceum (1805—1833). The opening of the institution became a true triumph of the dedication activity of its founders — Hugo Kollontai (1750—1812) and Tadeush Chatskyl (1765—1813). A separate page of the Kremenets culture is its connection with the famous Polish poet Yuliush Slovatskyl (1809—1849), and now his memorial museum is open in the city. The contemporary educational activity of the Kremenets Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko is also considered.

Source: Dubrovina I., Khorash K., Karmazin A. (2019) Enlightening Activity of the Volhynian Lyceum As an Example of Pedagogical Dedication. Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal. 11/2: 108-118

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