The relevance of the study lies in the need to reproduce the nature and essence of gymnastics, which were strongly influenced by Soviet post-revolutionary society, which directed the accumulated energy of growth along the vector of creating new forms of motor activity. Therefore, it is no coincidence that great social importance should be given to the development of sports. The aim is to reconstruct the historical process of formation and development of gymnastics in Ukraine during the first half of the 1920s. The results of the study. The paper analyzes the formation and development of Soviet gymnastics in the USSR, as a phenomenon in Soviet mass culture occurred in the postwar period, when there was an acute shortage of essential goods and goods, in a state of colossal socio-economic and socio-political shocks. which was associated with overcoming a number of difficulties, namely: ideological, organizational, scientific and methodological. Reconstructing the historical progress of gymnastics, attention is paid to the main achievements and miscalculations, the reasons for the emergence of negative trends in the development of gymnastics in Ukraine. The focus is on the factors that contributed to the widespread spread and consolidation of Soviet ideology in sports and physical culture during this period. This situation was seriously influenced by the policy of Universal Education, which began after the end of the Civil War. The influence of Soviet ideology on the development of gymnastics in the search for new ways of scientific substantiation of the Soviet gymnastics system, as well as methods of using gymnastics in accordance with the requirements and conditions of Soviet society. Conclusions. With the arrival of Soviet power in Ukraine, gymnastics gradually began to turn into a socio-political phenomenon, which is characterized by increasing state attention to gymnastics as a powerful tool of domestic political influence on the population. Performing an educational and propaganda function, gymnastics is now becoming the ideological leader of the state, the main purpose of which was to form patriotism in Soviet citizens, to establish discipline and principles of collectivism in society.
Source: Butenko V. (2021). Formation of the System of Soviet Gymnastics in the Ukrainian Lands in the Beginning 1920s. Scientific and Theoretical Almanac Grani. 24(10): 54-61
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