The article deals with one of the aspects of the intellectual networks of the famous Ukrainian composer, an active member of the Kyiv community Mykola Lysenko — intellectual communications established by him as part of the South-Western Division of the Russian Geographical Society (1873-1876). We see the relevance of this topic in the role of interpersonal intellectual ties of Ukrainian scholars, cultural and public figures of the second half of the nineteenth century in the structuring of the Ukrainian socio-political and intellectual movement, the formation of the idea of national identity in the conditions of statelessness and ideological pressure from the official Russian authorities. The purpose of the study is to determine the role and place of M. Lysenko in the formation and functioning of the South-Western Division of the Russian Geographical Society in the context of its cultural and intellectual communications. The results of the article are reconstructed on the basis of epistolary and memoir sources, journalistic materials, internal documents and scientific publications of the center of intellectual practices of the composer, the forms of which determine the content of two successive stages of his activity in the South-Western Division of: Kyiv (February 1873 — September 1874) — Academic and St. Petersburg (October 1874 — May 1876), marked by creative manifestations. It is emphasized that the organic continuation of the ethnographic activity of M. Lysenko in the 60s of the XIX century became his collaboration within the South-West Division, which provided new opportunities for expanding its own intellectual network and conducting intellectual practices at a higher scientific level. The originality and scientific novelty of the article lies in the formulation and development of insufficiently researched plot of Ukrainian intellectual history of the second half of the XIX century, actualization of the role of Ukrainian intellectual communities and individual intellectuals. Conclusions are made on the leading role of M. Lysenko in the formation and functioning of the South-Western Division of the Russian Geographical Society.
Source: Mishchanchuk N. (2021). M. Lysenko’s Intellectual Communications as a Member of the South-Western Division of the Russian Geographical Society (1873-1876). Scientific and Theoretical Almanac Grani. 24(10): 41-53
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