Scientific Information Agency
21 April 2022

Housing in the donbass in 1965–1985-ies: problems and solutions

Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences
Housing in the donbass in 1965–1985-ies: problems and solutions

The questions of the formation and implementation of public policies to intensify housing construction in 1965—1985's., The decision of the party, government and local authorities in this respect, highlighting the size of rents, new towns in the region, the elimination of the unfit and emergency housing, the level of housing different categories of population dissatisfaction of unresolved housing, the housing commissioning in five years.

Source: Shimko E. (2017). Housing in the donbass in 1965–1985-ies: problems and solutions. Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences. №1(43): 70-74

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