This article is a review of scientific and popular scientific editions on the erection of the Kremenchug hydraulic power station. In particular, attention is paid to the collection «Energeticheskoestoitelstvo, Issue #23» («Construction in the Sphere of Energetics»), which describes different, mainly productional and technological aspects of the erection of the Kremenchug HPS, as well as to the book by Ivan Gnidash «Kremenchug HPS», which mainly praises work feats of construction workers and hydroenergetics in the name of the forthcoming Communism. A comprehensive analysis of their contents is given; their informational integrity and value, drawbacks and merits are clarified; an attempt is being made at evaluating the general state of research of the subject of the KremHPS erection.
Source: Babenko O. (2017). The erection of the Kremenchug HPS in the soviet scientific and popular scientific literature of 1960–1980. Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences. №1(43): 107-115
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