Scientific Information Agency
25 April 2022

The Social Composition of Students at Kharkov Imperial University in the Second Half of the 19th century

European Journal of Contemporary Education
The Social Composition of Students at Kharkov Imperial University in the Second Half of the 19th century

This paper examines an official document originally entitled ‘The List of Students at Kharkov Imperial University’ to provide an insight into the size, social composition, and religious affiliation of students and auditors at Kharkov Imperial University in the period 1840—1899. A glimpse is provided of the evolution of the title of this historical source through the period of its publication. An insight is also provided into the substantive and formal characteristics of this historical document, including its structure, format, and the nature of the data contained therein. A quantitative analysis of the data in the Lists helped determine the total number and composition of students enrolled in Kharkov Imperial University in the period under review. It was established that, depending on the date of publication, different versions of the List varied in the kind of data available on students and auditors at the University. The paper provides trend data on the composition of students within different departments and across the University as a whole. It was established that by the late 19th century the estate composition of the student body at Kharkov Imperial University had changed, with similar processes taking place in universities across the Russian Empire. This trend was associated with certain common processes that were taking place across the Russian Empire. The paper also describes the way education in the Russian Empire transformed from an estate-based vocational education system to an estateless general education system.

Source: Lebid A. (2022). The Social Composition of Students at Kharkov Imperial University in the Second Half of the 19th century. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 11(1): 266-274

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