Our research among urban development and society in the communist period begins at the reality of actual Romanian cities. The idea of living in apartment blocks was not new at the beginning of communism. It began in western, industrial developed countries, but socialism included some ideological patterns to it. Socialists say that the ”new man” should live in the city, where his workplace is. Also, everybody should live in the same conditions, even if they were, in some cases, poor and claustrophobic. In this paper we proposed a short analysis on how socialism influenced shaping cities in Romania. The ideological pattern is general, as seen in every socialist country, like the Soviet Union, but we also managed to give some local examples, as identified in political speech. Also, statistics show how investments in housing increased in these years and how Transylvanian cities transformed because of the Romanian migratory.
Source: Culiciu C. (2016). Ideology and Demography in Romanian urban centres (1945-1989). Romanian Journal of History and International Studies. Vol. 3. Is. 2: 7-35
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