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15 June 2024

Markiyan Terletskyi: microhistory of camp activitiesat Nemecke Jablonne (1919-1921)

Military Scientific Journal
Markiyan Terletskyi: microhistory of camp activitiesat Nemecke Jablonne (1919-1921)

The article analyzes cultural and educational activities at Německé Jablonné camp for interned Ukrainians using the example of educator, historian, geographer and public figure Markiyan Terletskyi. The problems of interned Ukrainians in Czechoslovakia have been widely discussed in historiography, yet the personality of M. Terletskyi is little known not only to average readers but also to professional historians, educators and geographers. It is history, education, geography and social activism that he is primarily known for. The article highlights only a few aspects of his cultural and educational activities at Německé Jablonné camp, limited by the time span of 1919-1921. The paper analyzes M. Terletskyi's work in so-called Prosvitniy Kruzhok (Educational Circle) and Striletskyi Universytet (Riflemen University) where he delivered lectures on history and geography, focusing on topics and the number of lectures delivered; discusses his participation in various cultural projects which took place at the camp; highlights his work as a lecturer and teacher as well as his activities on collecting memories about the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918-1919, which are important for preserving historical memory. Particular attention is paid to his work on the editorial board of Ukrayinskyi Strilets (Ukrainian Rifleman) camp journal. Papers on history and political science that he contributed to this publication have been analyzed for the first time in historiography. Thus, a closer look at the activities of M. Terletskyi at Německé Jablonné gives ground to believe that the several years of his manifold work at the camp for interned UHA soldiers were primarily aimed at enhancing their cultural and educational background as well as socialization and professional adaptation after spending time at the camp.

Source: Truba R., Polianskyi O. (2020). Markiyan Terletskyi: microhistory of camp activitiesat Nemecke Jablonne (1919-1921). Military Scientific Journal. 34: 130-146

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