Scientific Information Agency
25 February 2019

Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831 Was as a Source of Study Polish Liberation Struggle

Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831 Was as a Source of Study Polish Liberation Struggle

The article analyzes such autobiographical works of Russian and Polish authors as Yu. Dvernitsky`s and K. Ruzhitsky`s reminiscencies, J. Bartkowski, F. Lubyanovsky`s and M. Neyelov`s memoirs, M. Tchaikovsky`s and Vladimir Politkovsky`s notes, that contain information about the events of the Polish November uprising of 1830 — 1831 on the territory of Right-Bank Ukraine. This documents are important sources for historical researches of the national — liberation struggle of the polish people in the tsarist Russia. Special attention is payed to the fact that the works of Polish authors contained a lot of information about the events of the uprising in Right-Bank Ukraine. Сommanders and simple soldiers left their reminiscences, in which they tried to show their personal struggle and significant local participation in the Polish liberation movement, which showed a great desire to restore the Rich Pospolyta in the borders of 1772, as well as to know the reasons of their defeat to avoid them in the future. The works of Russian memoirists contain fragmentary and insignificant information. After analyzing these works it is concluded that the uprising spread to a large area of the Right — Bank Ukraine, particularly Volhynia, however, the Polish elite`s unsuccessful policy led to discouragement and decay of movement.

Source: Konarivska J. (2016). Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831 Was as a Source of Study Polish Liberation Struggle. Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura. №3: 167-174

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