The article covers the life and creative activity of the prominent poet, translator, musicologist, choirmaster, teacher, church leader and statesman Mykola Khomychevsky (Borys Ten), who was closely connected with Ukraine, but received his first high award from Poland. The translator of the Polish poetry was awarded a medal «Honored Worker of Polish Culture». Mykolay Khomychevsky’s personal life, who lived 86 years, was extremely filled up with tumultuous events, meetings with renowned people, the struggle for existence and creative achievements. Khomychevsky repeatedly compared himself with Homer's Odyssey, who was his favorite literary character. The work on Homer has become the main task of the poet's life, which he gave almost 30 years of his life. Homer’s «Iliad» and «Odyssey» in Ukrainian translation by Borys Ten occupy an honorary place in the national cultural treasury. The translation of the two works by Homer was made by one person, and this fact has no parallel in other Slavic cultures. A poet and translator Borys Ten from Zhytomyr brilliantly coped with many difficulties, which arose during the translation process from the ancient Greek. He managed to skillfully convey the style of Homer's poetry. Today Borys Ten is unmatched in translations from the ancient languages.
Source: Eremeev V.V. Mishchuk G.A. (2017). Mykola Khomychevsky: Materials for a Biography (To the 120th Anniversary). Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura. №4: 132-147
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