The purpose of the study is to cover discussions on projects to resolve the national question in the Russian Empire at a conference of national socialist parties and to analyze the fi nal resolutions. In the context of considering the relations of the Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries (PSR) with the socialist parties of the peoples enslaved by tsarism, it is important to evaluate the projects of territorial and extraterritorial national autonomy proposed by the delegates. Th e research methodology is based on the principles of concrete-historical approach, methods of objectivity, comprehensiveness and systematization, historical-comparative, historical-typological and problem-chronological, as well as the use of analysis and synthesis. Scientifi c novelty for the fi rst time covers in detail the consideration of projects to resolve the national question in the Russian Empire at the National Socialist Party Conference in Helsingfors and analyzes the main contradictions in views on the forms of Russia’s post-revolutionary system between National Socialist Parties and Socialist-Revolutionaries. Conclusions. During the discussion, it was not possible to develop a common attitude to the solution of the national question in the Russian Empire, due to the confrontation between the supporters of territorialism and extraterritorial forms of autonomy. Leaving this issue unresolved, the SR delegates only intensifi ed the controversy over the state of the allied parties and failed to gain support for their own projects to rebuild the Russian Empire. However, despite the general contradictions, the conference discussed a number of important issues related to the protection of the rights of national minorities in national representative bodies, proportional representation and the peculiarities of land socialization in connection with the national question.
Source: Tymofijko S. (2022). National issue at the Conference of the National Socialist parties of the Russian Empire near the city of Helsingfors (April 16-20, 1907). The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies. 35: 113-125
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