One direction of my research efforts has, for some years, been exploration of the confrontation, juxtaposition and/or coexistence between myth and folklore, symbol and concept in the epic Romanian fairytale. The series of studies dedicated to the mythological bestiary of fantastic tales to which the present study belongs, follows precisely this line (the real vs the imaginary; the operative vs the interpretative). As such, starting from the classical and mythical situations and traditional epic examples at our disposal, we try to explain in terms of hermeneutics, the conceptualsymbolic dimension given to the stag in the Romanian fairytale.
Source: Cioancă C. (2018) Prolegomenes to a Mythological Bestiary of the Romanian Fairytale (II): The Stag. Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis. 10: 443-469
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