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22 March 2021

Real Gymnasium and its Importance in the Context of Rebirth of Poland in 1918 – Poznan Case

CzechPolish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Real Gymnasium and its Importance in the Context of Rebirth of Poland in 1918 – Poznan Case

The subject of the article is the real gymnasium and its implementation in Poland after the restoration of its independence in 1918. Real gymnasium is a type of institutional education, functioning in the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. It was a secondary general education school that typically emphasizes mathematics and natural sciences. Its goal was to educate in a practical, useful and polytechnic spirit. This type of school was developed in Poland under Prussian partition, but also since Poland’s independence.

Source: Gulczyńska, J. (2019). Real Gymnasium and its Importance in the Context of Rebirth of Poland in 1918 – Poznan Case. Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal. 11/2: 77–94

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Number of views: 2019
