The article aims to introduce into the scientific circulation and to make an analysis of the historical source — an unknown testament of 1780 of a representative of the Cossack officers Petro Semenovych Lysohub (ap. 1736—1780). The testament is stored in the State Archives of Chernihiv Region. Up till now, only 23 testaments of the representatives of the government officers of the Chernihiv Regiment were known. The published testament was studied for the first time, which determines the scientific novelty of the publication. In preparing the publication, the research methods were selected in accordance with the purpose, and the most important were general scientific methods of analysis and deduction. The text of the testament and analyzes its content is given at this archeographic publication. The circumstances of drawing up the document are clarified and the information about the persons mentioned in it are given. Conclusions. The form and internal structure of the document are typical for the representatives of the Cossack officer’s testaments of that time. The property is classified into movable and immovable, which also has its own internal gradation. Equally characteristic of the testators of that time was the motivation of P.S. Lysohub to conclude the clergy: to perfect his property affairs and to prevent possible conflicts over his inheritance, especially among relatives. The main purpose of P.S. Lysohub’s expression of will is to secure the future (welfare, property, education, upbringing) of his father, wife and children. He also pays attention to the relationship between relatives: he asks his wife and children to respect his father, as well as children their mother. The testament allows to trace the family ties of P. S. Lysohub with the Bishop of Chernihiv Irakli (Komarovs’kyi) (1703—1765), the Ukrainian writer Mykola Vasyliovych Gogol (1809—1852) and the scientist, archeographer, translator, publisher and bibliophile Fedir Osypovych Tumans’kyi (1757—1810).
Source: Morozovа A. (2020) Replenishment of the source base on history of Hetmanate (testament of the bunchuk comrade P.S. Lysohub). Arkhivy Ukrayiny. №1(322): 198-209
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