Scientific Information Agency
19 December 2021

Representation of Ukraine in Sweden Based on Correspondence between Stepan Rudnytsky and Alfred Jensen

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
Representation of Ukraine in Sweden Based on Correspondence between Stepan Rudnytsky and Alfred Jensen

The  purpose  of  the  publication is  to  update  information  on  the form  of  representation  of  Ukraine,  its  geographical  area,  history,  literature,  folk  and  ethnographic  traditions,  as  well  as  political  pretensions  of  the  early  twentieth  century,  in  Sweden,  contained  in  correspondence  between  Stepan  Rudnytsky  and  Alfred  Jensen.  The  methodology  includes  consistent  application  of  the  principles  of  historicism  and  impartiality,  provides  a  comprehensive  study  of  historical  sources   based   on   integrated   and   interdisciplinary   approaches.   A   thorough  analysis  of  the  available  letters  allowed  to  identify  different  layers  of  source  information,  to  establish  some  biographic  facts  of  the  writers,  to  demonstrate  the  way  of  forming  their  professional  connections  in  the  scientific  community.  The  application  of  the  comparative  method  allowed  to  critically  analyse  and  reconcile  the  information  extracted  from  the  letters  of  Alfred  Jensen  to  Stepan  Rudnytsky,  Mykhailo  Hrushevsky,  as  well  as  from  other  sources  and  scientific literature. The scientific novelty is to present the results of an interesting study aimed at revealing previously unknown information about the long-term organizational preparation of the  publishing  project  «Library  of  Nations»,  the  peculiarities  of  forming  a  writing  team to prepare a special volume on Ukraine, establishing communication between Swedish  editors  and  Ukrainian  authors.  The  available  epistolary  materials  also  allowed  us  to  identify  the  editors’  priorities  for  involving  specific  authors  in  the  work  on  the  book,  as  well  as  the  financial  apabilities  of  publishers,  which  was  reflected in the fees of members of the writing team. Prospects for further studies. In general, the subject matter of organizing the participation of Ukrainian scientists in  an  international  project  aimed  at  acquainting  Swedish  society  with  Ukraine  and  its  people  cannot  be  considered  fully  explored.  The  future  discovery  of  epistolary  materials  related  to  this  subject  can  expand  our  understanding  of  this  case,  verify  the  assumptions  made  and  clarify  some  of  its  details.  The  conclusions  reached  by  the  author  allow  us  to  state  that  the  intended  cooperation  between  the  well-known Ukrainian  specialists  in  various  human  sciences  and  not  least  famous  Swedish  scientists,  editors  and  publishers  who  initiated  a  unique  educational  project  during  the World War, took place. And this was the first presentation of Ukraine in Sweden not as part of the Russian Empire, but as an independent and self-sustainable people with its own territory, history, culture, belles-lettres and modern political life, which for a short time from 1918 to 1920 achieved its independence. Based on the content of  the  letters  preserved  and  published  today,  it  can  be  argued  that  the  beginning  of  the  collaboration  between  Alfred  Jensen  (editor  of  the  mentioned  project)  and  Stepan  Rudnytsky  (one  of  its  authors)  dates  back  to  January  1918.  The  book  was  published  in  1921.  In  addition  to  Stepan  Rudnytsky,  Volodymyr  Hnatyuk,  Vasyl  Paneiko and some others took part in preparing the book for publication. Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s participation in the project does not seem to be conclusive.

Source: Kovalevska O. (2020) Representation of Ukraine in Sweden Based on Correspondence between Stepan Rudnytsky and Alfred Jensen. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 3(324): 74-87

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