Scientific Information Agency
16 December 2021

Social and Political Activity of Borys Hrinchenko on the Eve of the Elections to the I-st State Duma of the Russian Empire (from the unpublished Publicistic legacy of the writer)

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
Social and Political Activity of Borys Hrinchenko on the Eve of the Elections to the I-st State Duma of the Russian Empire (from the unpublished Publicistic legacy of the writer)

The  publication  is  devoted  to  the  analysis  of  the  discovered  at  the Manuscript Institute of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernads’ky (MI  NLUV)   original   document — the   article by Borys Hrinchenko   «Liars» («Pidbrehachi»).  This  article  was  written  as  an  operative  reaction  to  current  social challenges in the run-up to the elections and elections to the I-st State Duma of the Russian  Empire  in  the  Kyiv  Governor-Generalship  in  late  1905  —  early  spring  of  1906. The aim of the study is to introduce into scientific circulation the unpublished and little-known journalistic heritage of B. Hrinchenko, which allows us to specify his political views, socio-political and educational activities during the revolutionary upheavals of 1905—1907. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematics, objectivity, anthropologism. General historical methods of analysis and synthesis and special-historical methods (historical-genetic, historical-typological, comparative) are used. The scientific novelty of the publication is due to  the  source  and  historiographical  value  of  the  journalistic  and  public  educational works  of  B.  Hrinchenko  considered  in  the  comparative  analysis,  in  particular  the  first published article «Liars» («Pidbrehachi»). Conclusions. In the given document B.  Hrinchenko  considers  some  political  brochures  published  in  the  printing  house  of  the  Podolia’s  governor.  The  author  appeals  to  the  well-understood  image  from  G.  Kvitka-Osnovyanenko’s  story  «The  Liar»  («Pidbrehachi»)  and  debunks  the  propaganda  stamps  and  outright  lies  imposed  by  the  authorities  on  the  uneducated  masses. In an artistic and polemical form, B. Hrinchenko substantiates the essence of  the  promised  civil  freedom  in  the  Manifesto  of  October  17,  1905  (which  is  based  on  four  things:  inviolability  of  the  person,  freedom  of  speech,  freedom  of  conscience, freedom of meetings and associations). The correspondence of the ideas expressed  in  the  document  with  other  journalistic  and  public  educational  works  of  B. Hrinchenko and program documents of the Ukrainian Democratic-Radical Party is revealed.

Source: Andryeyeva S., Andryeyev V. (2020) Social and Political Activity of Borys Hrinchenko on the Eve of the Elections to the I-st State Duma of the Russian Empire (from the unpublished Publicistic legacy of the writer). Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 3(324): 110-121

Source web-site: http://

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