Scientific Information Agency
17 September 2021

Scientific film documentary in the collection of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H.Pshenychny

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
Scientific film documentary in the collection of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H.Pshenychny

Recently, there has been a steady increase in the interest of specialists in various fi elds in audiovisual documents and archival collections, as they are a kind of repository of semantic and fi gurative information, and their involvement in comprehensive research allows more objective tracking of historical phenomena and processes. The purpose of the study is to analyze the genre spectrum, topics, content and information potential of audiovisual documents of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychny, devoted to the development of science and scientifi c cinema of the 20th century. Research methods. The basis of the study are theoretical developments and concepts of foreign and domestic scholars in the fi eld of archival science, fi lm studies, source studies. The work is carried out using general scientifi c methods of analysis and synthesis based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. Methods of source criticism, chronological, systemic, typological analysis, structural and functional were also used in covering the topic. Scientifi c novelty. The problem of using audiovisual documents as historical sources is increasingly coming to the center of domestic and foreign scientifi c discourse. Audiovisual documents of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychny, devoted to the development of science and scientifi c cinema of the 20th century, were not the subject of a separate independent study; the composition of the archival «scientifi c» fi lm collection is presented for the fi rst time. Prospects for further research. A detailed study of individual audiovisual documents and thematic groups of documents from the collection of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychny, comparing them with other archival documents will contribute to a more complete and in-depth understanding of various phenomena and processes. Conclusions. The Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychny preserves a signifi cant variety of documentaries of «scientifi c cinema», which can be a solid basis for studying the history of science and technology in different decades of the 20th century in Ukraine and for representations of scientifi c topics on the screen.

Source: Kasian L. (2020) Scientific film documentary in the collection of the Central State Archives of Cinema, Audio and Visual Documents of Ukraine named after H.Pshenychny. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 2(323): 40-57

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