Scientific Information Agency
03 May 2022

Social Welfare for Afghan War Veterans and Families of Fallen Servicemen in Ukraine in the 1980s

Social Welfare for Afghan War Veterans and Families of Fallen Servicemen in Ukraine in the 1980s

The components of social security for Afghan war veterans and the families of fallen servicemen and their implementation during the 1980s in the Ukrainian SSR are analyzed in the paper. On the basis of archival materials, it is shown how the state support was provided for these groups of the society, and the types of social security and their practical implementation are described. The analyzed sources contain important material for studying the issues of regulation and implementation of the Soviet state policy towards Afghan war veterans and families of fallen servicemen. In particular, in the first half of the 1980s, took place the CPU’s district, city, and regional committees control of measures for improving the living conditions of Afghan war veterans who suffered disabilities and the families of fallen officers and men, their parents, wives, children (allocation of apartments, providing material assistance in housing reconstructions, building of utility constructions, installation of telephones in apartments), allocation of vehicles, granting of pensions, treatment and rehabilitation of Afghan war veterans, help in making and installation of tombstones for fallen servicemen. Complexity in monitoring the enforcing of state policy on social welfare of the studied groups of the society can be found only in 1987. Since then, the party (city and district) committees of the CPU had to form data on the provision of these groups of the society, including a list concerning housing, pension and medical care, the right to receive free vehicles, installation of telephones, fuel, employment, education, participation of Afghan war veterans in social and political life, etc.

Source: Ostrovyk D. (2020). Social Welfare for Afghan War Veterans and Families of Fallen Servicemen in Ukraine in the 1980s. Eminak. №3(31): 165-175

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