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05 January 2022

The Activity of the Boundary Commissions in Sloboda Ukraine Governorate and Kharkiv Viceroyalty (the second half of the XVIII – the first half of the XIX century)

Zaporizhzhia Historical Review
The Activity of the Boundary Commissions in Sloboda Ukraine Governorate and Kharkiv Viceroyalty (the second half of the XVIII – the first half of the XIX century)

The article deals with the process of formation and activity of the boundary commissions  of  the  region  on  the  basis  of  analysis  of  archival  data  of  the  specified  period.  In  accordance  with  the  decree  issued  by  Catherine  II  on  February  20,  1765,  a  «state  boundary  commission»  was  set  up.  The  process  of outlining general boundaries of the territory of Sloboda Ukraine was very difficult and long due to the lack of people with appropriate education and organizational,  legal  and  everyday  problems  at  local  levels.  The  activity  of  surveyors in this area is not studied sufficiently enough, therefore the author tries to highlight all the processes and activities of the boundary commissions using  archival  sources  such  as  district  economic  notes,  examples  of  land  disputes,  official  forms  of  province  land  surveyors,  etc.  It  is  the  general  boundary process that helps to understand the algorithm and regularities of integration of Sloboda Ukraine lands into the Russian Empire as one of the components of incorporation of the prosperous class of Cossacks to the noble status of the state.

Source: Dudka Ya. (2019) The Activity of the Boundary Commissions in Sloboda Ukraine Governorate and Kharkiv Viceroyalty (the second half of the XVIII – the first half of the XIX century). Zaporizhzhia historical review. 1(53): 30-34

Source web-site: http://

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