Scientific Information Agency
01 October 2024

The Appointed Hetman Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko (1799–1862) (to the 225th Anniversary of his Birth)

Bylye Gody
The Appointed Hetman Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko (1799–1862) (to the 225th Anniversary of his Birth)

This work is devoted to the biography of the commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Cossack Army, Major General, as well as the outstanding writer Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko (1799—1862). The publication is timed to the 225th anniversary of his birth. As a source, we used information from the prerevolutionary “Military Encyclopedia”, as well as materials about the ancestral home of ataman Yakov Kukharenko. In conclusion, the authors state that among the atamans of the Black Sea (Kuban) Cossack army, Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko was a special person who combined not only military and administrative talents, but also creative ones. Coming from a Cossack officer family, he joined the Black Sea Cossack Army at the age of 15 and took an active part in the Caucasian War (1801—1864), the Russian-Turkish War (1828— 1829) and the Crimean Company (1853—1856) for the first 25 years of his service. According to historians, he took part in 44 battles and military affairs. In 1852—1856, he reached the peak of his military career — he received the rank of major General and became the commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Cossack army. However, Major General Y.G. Kukharenko is known not only for this, but also for his creative activity. From his pen came a number of works that had important ethnographic significance for the study of the life of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, the first settlers to the Kuban Plain in the late XVIII century. This was Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko — a brilliant officer and a talented writer.

Source: Shevchenko N.A., Kapitanets Yu.V., Zinchuk G.M., Tatarinova L.N. (2024). The Appointed Hetman Yakov Gerasimovich Kukharenko (1799–1862) (to the 225th Anniversary of his Birth). Bylye Gody. 19(1): 78-83

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