Scientific Information Agency
09 January 2025

The Contribution of Academician Mykola Kashchenko`s Family Members to the Development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
The Contribution of Academician Mykola Kashchenko`s Family Members to the Development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv

The aim of the study is to view based on archival sources the participation of family members of Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Mykola Feofanovych Kashchenko (1855—1935) in the development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv. The work is based on the materials kept in the fond of the academy’s Acclimatization Garden and the personal archival fond of M. Kashchenko stored in the Institute of Archival Studies of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. The methodology of research lies in using source evaluation, archival, historical and chronological, comparative, biographical and prosopographical methods. Scientific novelty. Previously unexplored archival documents about family members of Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences M. Kashchenko, which highlight their contribution into the development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv, have been introduced into scientific circulation. Conclusions. Analysis of the documents from the personal fond of Academician M. Kashchenko and the fond of the Acclimatization Garden of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences stored in the of Institute of Archival Studies of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine reveals the contribution of the scientist’s family members into the development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv. Children of the scientist, although in different roles and to different extent, were involved in the organization of the functioning of the Acclimatization Garden and its work. The eldest daughters of M. Kashchenko, Marharyta and Maria, made the largest contribution into the development of the garden taking part in scientific experiments on plant acclimatization. Other children of the scientist, Olha, Ksenia and Vadym, also contributed. The prospect for further studies is the search for new archival documents about Academician M. Kashchenko and members of his family, the analysis of which will allow creating a chronicle of the family.

Source: Kirzhaieva I. (2022). The Contribution of Academician Mykola Kashchenko’s Family Members to the Development of the Acclimatization Garden in Kyiv. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 4(333): 153-166

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