The purpose of the work is to identify the informative potential of documents of fond 101 «Nizhyn Greek Magistrate» of the State Archives of Chernihiv Region, to determine the degree of their representativeness. The methodology of the investigation is based on the use of source, general historical, and interdisciplinary research methods. The formulaic-clausal method allowed to identify documentary sources and trace the evolution of their forms. The hermeneutic method was used to analyze the text of the sources, the necessity of which was associated with the use of specific terminology in office documents (official terms of the XVII—XIX centuries, obsolete and foreign words, and phrases). The complex use of methods allows us to distinguish the types of sources, and peculiarities of their creation, to determine and strengthen their informative capabilities. Scientific novelty. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the materials of fond 101 of the State Archives of Chernihiv Region, the directions and volumes of movement of the regulated documentation of the Nizhyn Greek Magistrate, established on September 1, 1785, as a body of Greek self-government, which protected the political, economic and spiritual interests of the Greeks, were reconstructed. The documents of the fond help us to find out the record system keeping and clarify the functional responsibilities of this institution. Conclusions. The analysis of the foundation’s documents shows that Nizhyn Greek Magistrate made significant impact on development of Nizhyn City as the trade center of the last quarter of XVIII — middle XIX c. It removed the Greeks of Nizhyn from relations with the local government and satisfied their needs in all aspects, protected them in disputes with the local population, and represented the interests of the Greeks in St. Petersburg. In connection with the heavy losses suffered by the records of the Nizhyn Greek Magistrate, the urgent need of today is to unite the efforts of researchers in reconstruction of its archives.
Source: Hedo A. (2022). The Funds of Nizhyn Greek Magistrate at the State Archives of Chernihiv Region as a Source for the History of Nizhyn Greek Community. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 4(333): 122-137
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