This paper explored the institution of the rectorship through the case of Imperial Kharkov University, a classical (research-oriented) university that operated from 1805 to 1917 in Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. The institution of the rectorship lent itself as a useful indicator of trends and transformations in university education in Ukraine and the Russian Empire as a whole. The findings revealed that there was a transformation in the functionality of the university rector from a mere appointee to a leader in the scholarly community enjoying a high level of public recognition. A distinctive characteristic of the institution of the rectorship in the Russian Empire was its dual status — (1) representing university’s academic community and (2) representing the state’s bureaucratic machine. The rectorship at Imperial Kharkov University was explored through the lens of the following key aspects: legal, organizational, ethnic, and social.
Source: Lebid А.E. (2022). The Institution of the Rectorship in the Higher Education System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th сenturies: The Case of Imperial Kharkov University. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 11(4): 1309–1319
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