Scientific Information Agency
03 May 2023

The Institution of the Rectorship in the Higher Education System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th сenturies: The Case of Imperial Kharkov University

European Journal of Contemporary Education
The Institution of the Rectorship in the Higher Education System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th сenturies: The Case of Imperial Kharkov University

This paper explored the institution of the rectorship through the case of Imperial Kharkov University, a classical (research-oriented) university that operated from 1805 to 1917 in Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. The institution of the rectorship lent itself as a useful indicator of trends and transformations in university education in Ukraine and the Russian Empire as a whole. The findings revealed that there was a transformation in the functionality of the university rector from a mere appointee to a leader in the scholarly community enjoying a high level of public recognition. A distinctive characteristic of the institution of the rectorship in the Russian Empire was its dual status — (1) representing university’s academic community and (2) representing the state’s bureaucratic machine. The rectorship at Imperial Kharkov University was explored through the lens of the following key aspects: legal, organizational, ethnic, and social.

Source: Lebid А.E. (2022). The Institution of the Rectorship in the Higher Education System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th сenturies: The Case of Imperial Kharkov University. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 11(4): 1309–1319

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