Scientific Information Agency
12 June 2019

«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

Bylye Gody
«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

The article considers “The letters of the Russian Traveler” by N.M. Karamzin”, which reflected in them the cultural and social development of the countries of Western Europe and Russia in the late XVIII century. In “The letters” N.M. Karamzin compares the cultural and social development of individual countries of Western Europe, assesses the level of similar development of Russia, characterizes the personality of the Traveler. The author of the article shows the value of “The letters” as a source for determining the level of culture and social relations of the countries of the Western world and Russia. The article shows peculiarities of modern Russia literature dedicated to “The letters” by N.M. Karamzin and the place of this work in the works of noble historian. The author of the article draws attention to the actuality of the topic related, on the one hand, to the preservation and further development of the common traditions of cultural and social development of Western Europe and Russia, and on the other hand, with a clear vision of their distinctive Features. Particular attention in the article is given to the consideration of those letters, which are devoted to the French Revolution, which has had a great impact not only on France, but also on other countries of the West, as well as on Russia. The author of the article evaluates the value of personal qualities of the Russian Traveler in which it possible to see N.M. Karamzin and determines his contribution to the formation of the literary Russian language and in general to the development of culture. He emphasizes that the study of “The letters of the Russian Traveler” allows to better understand the peculiarities of scientific views of N.M. Karamzin and their place in historical science, as well as in general in the culture of Russia.

Source: Igor V. Suchkov (2019). «Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia. Bylye Gody. Vol. 52. Is. 2: 559-567

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