This is the second part of a study investigating the policy pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in Chernigov Governorate in the area of women’s education in the second half of the 19th century. This process was explored through the prism of the Russian Empire’s whole new historical realities — a time when a philosophy of counter-reforms and an atmosphere of reaction became the dominant tone of the Romanovs’ domestic policy. The work relied on relevant research and documentary sources, some of which were introduced into scholarly discourse here for the first time ever. The conclusion was drawn that, despite the various unfavorable domestic political circumstances present during the time of the reign of Emperor Alexander ІІІ, members of the liberal opposition did manage to continue taking care of the development of women’s education in Chernigov Governorate and initiate relevant measures. At that time, the zemstvo liberals had to take account of the radical changes in the government’s domestic policy, specifically those associated with the start of the period of counterreforms under Emperor Alexander ІІІ, and adjust their policy in the area of women’s education accordingly. On balance, the policy pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in northern Ukraine in the area of women’s education between the 1870s and 1880s can be regarded as progressive. It was an achievement founded on devoted efforts on the part of the opposition aristocratic fronde in the region. The democratic principles put into effect in the area of women’s education were an integral, organic part of a large-scale humanitarian program implemented by the zemstvo liberal movement in the north of Leftbank Ukraine during that period.
Source: Nazar A. Kotelnitsky, Sergey I. Degtyarev, Vadim A. Nesterenko (2022). The Policy on Women’s Education Pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in Chernigov Governorate in the Period between the 1870s and 1880s. Part 2. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 11(4): 1345-1352
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