Scientific Information Agency
20 July 2021

The Portal «Archives of Europe» and Representation of Ukraine in the European Sphere of Digital Cultural Heritage

Arkhivy Ukrayiny
The Portal «Archives of Europe» and Representation of Ukraine in the European Sphere of Digital Cultural Heritage

The  article  updates  for  the  first  time  the  information about the representation of Ukrainian archival institutions on European portals of representation of digital copies of cultural heritage. The research is based on archival documents, special literature and information messages from open sources (Internet media and official web portals of Ukrainian and European authorities). The methodological basis is the general scientific principles of objectivity, systematics, historicism. In order to analyze the functioning of information resources of European documentary  heritage,  system-structural  and  comparative  research  methods  were  used. Research  results.  The  problem  of  improper  representation  of  Ukrainian  archives in European digital cultural heritage projects is outlined. In particular, the basic  principles  of  work,  purpose  of  creation  and  practice  of  the  sites  «» and «» are described. There are described the process of  creation  and  attempts  to  present  on  these  portals  the  first  Ukrainian  archival  collections:  «Trident  —  a  symbol  of  the  Ukrainian  revolution  of  1917—1921»  from  the  fonds  of  the  Branch  State  Archives  of  the  Security  Service  of  Ukraine  and  the  collection  «The  Unique  Documents  of  the  National  Archival  Holdings»  from  the  web  portal  of  the  State  Archival  Service  of  Ukraine.  The  importance  of  disseminating  in  the  digital  space  documents  with  the  image  of  the  state  emblem  of  the  Ukrainian  People’s  Republic  in  order  to  inform  the  European  environment  about  the  longevity  of  state  traditions  of  the  Ukrainian  people  and  the  tradition  of using  state  symbols.  Prospects  for  further  research.  The  State  Archival  Service  of Ukraine intends to act as the official representative of the web portal «Archives of Europe» in Ukraine and further provide advisory and methodological assistance to  Ukrainian  archives  on  the  online  placement  of  digitized  archival  documents.  In  the  long  run,  this  experience  should  be  useful  for  all  public  and  private  archives  of  Ukraine  and  will  help  to  ensure  a  dignified  representation  of  Ukraine  in  the  European space of digitized cultural heritage.

Source: Khromov A. (2020) The Portal «Archives of Europe» and Representation of Ukraine in the European Sphere of Digital Cultural Heritage. Arkhivy Ukrayiny. 2(323): 7-16

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