Scientific Information Agency
10 November 2019

The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago

Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago

The position of religion in Czech schools has been the subject of discussion among educationalists since the second half of the nineteenth century. Supporters of the radical current excluded religion from school completely, while conservatives defended the existing situation just as determinedly. Advocates of the reform tendency took the view that religion, as an essential component of modern culture, cannot and must not be ignored in school and that schools must not cut themselves off from centuries-old traditions.

Source: Vaculík J. (2018). The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago. Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal, 10/1: 3–7

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Number of views: 1983
