The point of this study is to cover the issue of history of women’s secondary education in Katerynoslav province in the 2nd half of the XIX — early XX centuries. Patriarchal judgments and views on the women’s role have been characteristic of the society of the Russian Empire for centuries. It has been found out that the democratic reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century marked the beginning of the changes towards womanhood. The historical premises for the formation of the women’s education system are covered. It is established that the creation of women’s educational institutions of all classes in terms of legislative framework begins in the 1950’s. Women’s educational institutions were subordinate to different institutions and had different organizational and educational backgrounds. Thus, the Ministry of Public Education had the most rights and opportunities in the sphere of education. In addition to state schools, there were private and public schools. It is established that the new system of educational sector management is claimed as state-public. The main types of general secondary schools in Katerynoslav province in the II half of the XIX — early XX centuries were gymnasiums, progymnasiums, parochial secondary school for girls. The features of the financial situation of the gymnasiums on the example of certain educational institutions are revealed. Thus, a large number of women’s gymnasiums and progymnasiums and their popularity with the population were directly related to the rapid economic development of the region and the vigorous activity of local self-government bodies. The content of education of those secondary schools is defined. The popularity of gymnasiums with the population comes from their class-inclusive nature. The range of women’s gymnasiums in the early XX century is distinguished on grounds of division into classes and religion. Education for daughters of clergymen was of a limited nature compared to the gymnasiums. As a result, women’s religious secondary education evolved less dynamically. It is established that the religious affairs authority opened professional secondary educational institutions — parochial secondary school for girls — primarily for the daughters of clergymen. There was only one such school in Katerynoslav province — in the principal town of the province. The content of the education of parochial secondary school for girls is described. The proportion of disciplines of the humanities and mathematical and natural sciences is compared. The article states that the end of the XIX — early XX centuries was marked by the decline in the system of parochial secondary school for girls, and defines the content of the reforms of the religious affairs authority. The sources of funding of Katerynoslav parochial secondary school for girls and gymnasiums are compared. The role of parochial secondary school for girls in the problem of providing public school with teachers is figured out.
Source: Dobrovolska V. (2019) The role of secondary school in the training of women skilled personnel of Katerynoslav province in the II half of the XIX – early XX centuries. Scientific and Theoretical Almanac «Grani». 22(9-10): 52-63
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