Scientific Information Agency
18 January 2021

The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878: the Hostilities in the Black Sea Region

Bylye Gody
The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878: the Hostilities in the Black Sea Region

The paper considers the hostilities on the secondary area of the fighting during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877−1878, namely, on the territory of the Black sea region. The authors' attention is drawn to the aspect ratio, disposition, as well as some characteristic features of warfare. A whole range of different sources were used as materials: 1. The archival sources — the Archive of the Sochi city; 2. The sources of personal origin — memories of participants of events, for example, B.M. Kolyubakin; 3. The periodical press (used newspapers “Russkii invalid” and “Kavkaz”, as well as the journal “Morskoi sbornik”); 4. Reference literature. In solving research problems, we applied the principle of historicism, which allowed us to make a comprehensive analysis of pre-revolutionary sources and historiography related to the hostilities on the territory of the Black sea region during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877−1878. This also implies the use of other methods in their totality and relationship, namely the problem-chronological, system-structural, and comparative-historical ones. The authors conclude that in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877−1878 on the Black sea theater of military operations, the Ottoman Empire's main hope was to use Circassian and Abkhazian mahajirs on its side. It was assumed that the arrival of the mahajirs as part of the Turkish landing force would cause a general uprising of the mountain population, which would lead to the overthrow of the russian military presence in the region. There was an increased activity of the mountain population in the turkish fleet coverage area. However, the uprising could not spread to the trans-kuban territory thanks to the actions taken in advance by the russian command. Despite some successes (the capture of almost the entire coastal territory of Abkhazia), the fate of the turkish landing was sealed, and the defeat of the landing at Sochi had a demoralizing effect on the rebels and their offensive momentum began to fall.

Source: Taran K., Ludwig S. (2020) The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878: the Hostilities in the Black Sea Region. Bylye Gody. Vol. 57. Is. 3: 1245-1254

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