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07 May 2024

To the logic of relations between the patriarchate of Constantinople and the metropolitanate of Kyiv

Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin
To the logic of relations between the patriarchate of Constantinople and the metropolitanate of Kyiv

To overcome the crisis in modern Ukrainian Orthodoxy and the formation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine — canonical in content and national in form of life — it is necessary, above all, a deep understanding of the formation and development of the Kyiv metropolitanate and its interaction with the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Researchers of the introduction of Christianity in Ukraine have some difficulties in arguing, as they cannot operate with concrete historical evidence of the simultaneous creation and baptism of a church organization in Kyiv with Christianization. The development of the Kyiv metropolitanate was difficult, complex and was conditioned by many factors: from political to confessional. The problem was studied by scientists of the Department of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the multivolume «History of Religions in Ukraine'' (A. Kolodny, P. Yarotsky, O. Sagan). The Department of Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Y. Kharkovshchenko, S. Rudenko, O. Predko, Y. Netetska) deals with this issue. Instead, this issue was raised at the round table »Patriarch Bartholomew: the modern paradigm of Orthodox theology" of the international conference «VII Tancher's readings» in October 2021. Ukrainian scientists, on the basis of new opportunities, sources, and scientific contacts, continue to study the complex issues of the European civilization choice of our state in order to avoid the numerous ideological and confessional stereotypes imposed on us over the centuries of our Christian history. 

Source: Konverskyi A., Kharkovshchenko Ye. (2022). To the logic of relations between the patriarchate of Constantinople and the metropolitanate of Kyiv. Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin. 19(1): 43-46

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