Scientific Information Agency
03 February 2020

Ukrainian Agrarianism as an Option Ofeastern European Agrarism Inpolitical Programs of the Ukrainian National Parties of the Period of the Ukrainian Revolution

Ukrainian Peasant
Ukrainian Agrarianism as an Option Ofeastern European Agrarism Inpolitical Programs of the Ukrainian National Parties of the Period of the Ukrainian Revolution

Revolutionary upheavals in Europe in the early twentieth century had a decisive influence on the socio-political life of European countries, led to the emergence of previously unknown phenomena. The agrarianism became one of them in the first third of the twentieth century. It was most widely used in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. The authors proved that in the early twentieth century the Ukrainian version of Eastern European agrarianism also existed. It was especially pronounced during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 — 1921, which, among other things, had the peasant nature. Its representatives on the Ukrainian soil were, on the one hand, non-governmental, party, political figures and organizations, on the other — the peasantry of Ukraine as an active subject of the peasant revolution in 1917 — 1921. In particular, Ukrainian agrarianism was presented as an option of Eastern European agrarianism. the provisions of the Ukrainian Democratic-Agrarian Party (hereinafter referred to as UDAP), the Ukrainian People’s Community (hereinafter — UPC), the All-Ukrainian Union of Agrarians-Owners (Peasants) (hereinafter — AUAO), and the Ukrainian People’s Party (hereinafter — UPP).

Source: Kornovenko S., Zemzulina N. (2019). Ukrainian Agrarianism as an Option Ofeastern European Agrarism Inpolitical Programs of the Ukrainian National Parties of the Period of the Ukrainian Revolution. Ukrainian Peasant. №20: 14-20

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