Scientific Information Agency
28 January 2020

The new investigations of Trypillia Culture epynemous site

Revista Arheologică
The new investigations of Trypillia Culture epynemous site

Since the beginning of the excavation of the eponymous monument of Trypillia culture at the town of Trypillia has passed more than 120 years. In time, the researchers managed to lose information about the localization of the settlement, so research had to be resumed by searching for the place which Vikenty Khvoiko discovered in 1897. Successful searches were made possible thanks to the survived field documentation, primarily the diary of the researcher. It contained numerous sketches of the area where excavations were carried out, as well as some finds. The latter circumstance is especially important, since almost nothing of what was found was published, and the descriptions of the excavations were very brief. During the field season of 2018, it was possible not only to partially establish the boundaries of the settlement on the ground, but also to obtain a fairly representative collection of finds, primarily ceramics. All this suggests that it is possible to identify precisely the eponymous settlement located on the outskirts of the Trypillia village as referred by Vikenty Khvoiko to “culture A”, which, according to the periodization adopted in our time corresponds to the stage ВІ-ІІ.

Source: Videiko Mykhailo, Burdo Nataliia, Sliesariev Yevgen, Videiko Mariia (2019) The new investigations of Trypillia Culture epynemous site. Revista Arheologică. Vol.XV, №1: 65-76

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