Scientific Information Agency
11 October 2023

Use of klirovye vedomosti of churches during the reconstruction of the pedigrees of the clergy

Ancient Sumy Land
Use of klirovye vedomosti of churches during the reconstruction of the pedigrees of the clergy

The article describes the history of emergence of «klirovye vedomosti» churches on the territory of Ukraine, finds out explores their information potential and peculiarities of using them in genealogical researches. «Klirovye vedomosti» are one the most important documentation types of parish record-keeping. Analyzing the archives materials and the published researches on the issue, the author investigates the process of formation and functioning of the clergy record-keeping. Along with legislative base of the emergence of «klirovye vedomosti», the special features of the realization of the law in daily life as well as the change of the form of the source since the XVIII century to the XIX century are retraced. «Klirovye vedomosti» were made up once a year in duplicate a church copy and a consistory one. Due to its systematic, regular keeping, mass character of coverage of the society they are an important source for reconstruction of pedigrees of the clergy. With their help it is possible to know out a family composition, the name, patronymic and surname (if it was designated), age of each member and relations inside the family. The lack of a large time gap allows with their help to determine the time of the marriage, the time of the death and also the quantity of born and deceased children during the period under study. The author considers that «klirovye vedomosti» must be applied first of all when there is not enough initial data to begin a genealogical research, that is exact dates of birth and names of the subject of the search are not know. This document is convenient to use in the case when the bloodline counts considerable number of representatives and has got numerous branching. The information potential of «klirovye vedomosti» gives an opportunity to research study pedigrees of representatives of the clergy.

Source: Lobko N.V. (2020). Use of «klirovye vedomosti» of churches during the reconstruction of the pedigrees of the clergy. Ancient Sumy Land. № LVІІ: 20-28

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