Scientific Information Agency
21 November 2018

Using the Labour of Special Squads in the Stalingrad Region in 1942- 1945

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Using the Labour of Special Squads in the Stalingrad Region in 1942- 1945

Special purpose camps for the NKVD of the USSR were established in 1941 to carry out a special inspection of former Red Army servicemen emerging from captivity or encirclement. In 1942 the labour of special squads started to be carried out at certain economic facilities of the country. The article deals with the issues related to the use of special forces in the Stalingrad region during the Great Patriotic War. The case of the Stalingrad region is interesting due to the fact that it showcases the overall evolution of the system of special camps, beginning with the creation of the first camps on December 28, 1941 by the Order of the NKVD of the USSR, and till their liquidation, which began in 1945. The Kamyshinsky special camp, which provided the workforce fo railway construction, was one of the first special camps in which forced labour of the special squads was used. Later, camp no. 018, which provided the workforce for restoration of the destroyed enterprises, was established in the region. The camp’s personnel worked mainly on the restoration of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The authors also study other regional objects on which special squads’ labour was used, as well as their organization and effectiveness. It is noted that the labour of highly qualified special squads was in demand in various sectors of the economy. The variable composition of special camps located on the territory of the Stalingrad region made a significant contribution to the restoration of the city and its major plants. This was promoted by the increasing literacy of labour organization, and by the improvement of the material supply of special camps. Special attention is paid to the transfer of the special squads to the permanent staff of industry. V.V. Shevchenko compiled the necessary sources and wrote the paper. S.G. Sidorov revealed some relevant sources, pointed out the conception and accomplished academic editing of the paper.

Source: Sidorov S.G., Shevchenko V.V. Using the Labour of Special Squads in the Stalingrad Region in 1942-1945. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4, Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2018, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 105-115

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