Scientific Information Agency
14 January 2019

Woman Names in Ottoman: In the Example of Sivas Province (1742-1763)

History Studies. International Journal of History
Woman Names in Ottoman: In the Example of Sivas Province (1742-1763)

Person names provide important information about the religious, cultural and social characteristics of societies. People have been giving names to their children by influence from their environment, culture and religious beliefs throughout history. The studies on the names of the people in the Ottoman Empire are mostly focused on male names. Also Ottoman women play an active role in social and economic life. The events that occurred as a result of their daily activities and their interactions with the people caused the Ottoman women to take part in the archive sources. This study, which was prepared with the examination of the complaints recorded in the Ahkâm-ı Şikâyet (grievance judgements) registers of the State of Sivas, reached a large number of Muslim and nonMuslim women name. While most of the Muslim women received the names of Ayse, Fatma, Hatice, who were the most prominent figures today, some families went out of the ordinary and had given different names for their children. As Identified some of the non-Muslim women have also been named Turkish origin forenames. It is also seen that Muslim and non-Muslim women have shared to use common names. In the last part of the study, the titles given to women are perused.

Source: Buket Çelik (2018). Woman Names in Ottoman: In the Example of Sivas Province (1742-1763). History Studies. International Journal of History. Vol. 10. Is. 10: 87-104

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