Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: enlightenment

Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology
The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies
Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology

Materials of the journal «Osnova»

Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates and its 18th-century Serbian Translators from Greek
Slovene. International Journal of Slavic Studies
Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates and its 18th-century Serbian Translators from Greek

Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates

«Imperial Society»: relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society in the «Trudy»
Tomsk State University Journal of History
«Imperial Society»: relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society in the «Trudy»

Relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society

