Scientific Information Agency
29 May 2019

An Episode in the Diplomatic Relationship between Byzantines and Ottonians: The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II

Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
An Episode in the Diplomatic Relationship between Byzantines and Ottonians: The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II

This article aims to analyse the context, interests and actors involved in the marriage of Byzantine Princess Theophano and Emperor Otto II in 972 CE. Empress Theophano has earned a special status in western perception. The marriage of Princess Theophano to Emperor Otto II has drawn the attention of historians, primarily due to the interesting diplomatic and political implications and the role she played in this diplomatic affair, as well as her status at the Imperial Court as wife and Empress and, not least, as mother and Regent of Otto III.

Source: Popa-Gorjanu C. (2017). An Episode in the Diplomatic Relationship between Byzantines and Ottonians: The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II. Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis. 9: 140-151

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