Scientific Information Agency
04 March 2020

Animal Offerings in Scythian Necropolises in Transylvania

Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
Animal Offerings in Scythian Necropolises in Transylvania

The analyses of the animal bones interpreted as offerings taken from the necropolises at Mărişelu, Budeşti, Fântânele and Sâncrai represent the subject of the present study. Unfortunately, there are no previous faunal analyses from Scythian settlements on Romanian territory, as these might have given an image of the exploited species. Concerning Scythian necropolises, there is some data in the archaeological literature regarding the animal species used for offerings, but it is not certain that the faunal remains were analyzed in detail. We hope this article opens up a perspective on this topic. Unfortunately, three cemeteries, denoted by MBF (Mărişelu, Budeşti and Fântânele) provided a smaller sample than those at Sâncrai, which yielded a more generous sample.

Source: El Susi G. (2018) Animal Offerings in Scythian Necropolises in Transylvania. Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis. 10: 39-63

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