In this article an made overview of source base study of one of the famous Ukrainian public and political and state figures of the twentieth century Vyacheslav Chornovil. Understand historical reality, historical figure or historical processes not possibly, as known, without the study of information, that contain sources — realities of human activity. In this context, top priority for researchers is study the materials stored in the funds of archives. The study of archival documents is essential to study such a not ordinary personality in Ukrainian history as V. Chornovil. Therefore in this article examines which information about V. Chornovil can be in the funds of the Central Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine (TSDAHO of Ukraine). Sources revealed in TSDAHO of Ukraine contain a significant and diverse information. They cover different periods of his life and areas of activity. In them there is information about his parents, tuition, work in the media, public-political activity, and also features of investigative and judicial actions above it in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This large complex source material still awaits a thorough scientific study.
Source: Derevinskyi V.F. (2015) Archival sources about V . Chornovil that are stored in the central state archive of public organizations of Ukraine. Sumy Historical and Archival Journal. №XXIV: 29–34
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