The consequence of the military reform conducted by Peter the Great was the crea-tion of a regular army based on conscription. The introduction of modern armed forces resulted in the necessity of carrying out changes in the sphere of the court martial system. This process lasted until 1716 when Military Regulations were published. This document laid the foundations for the organization of the court martial system in the tsar army for many decades. Audit services became one of its elements. The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with the overall organization as well as with the operating procedures of the audit institution until 1867. It was then liquidated due to the reform of the court martial carried out at the time. In order to facilitate understanding of the nature and specificity of this institution, a description of the court martial system in the Tsarist Russia between the 18th and the 1st half of the 19th century is necessary.
Source: Madej L. (2018) Audit services of the Land armed forces in the Russian Court Martial System between the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne. № LXX. Is.2: 25-108
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