Scientific Information Agency
14 December 2019

Components of the Intra-Noble Status (Analysis of the «Eight-Class» Nobility of the Kharkiv Governorship of 1786−1799)

Bylye Gody
Components of the Intra-Noble Status (Analysis of the «Eight-Class» Nobility of the Kharkiv Governorship of 1786−1799)

The article, on the example of the «eight-class» nobility of Kharkiv governorship, explores the main components of the status of the nobleman. It is concluded that the status of a nobleman depended on a number of factors: origin and kinship; belonging to a personal or hereditary nobility; parts of the genealogy of a noble book into which the genus is entered; the performance of positions in the noble elections; rank; property status. At the same time, as the most important components of the status of a nobleman, the authors distinguish the rank and possession of serfs. On the example of the «eight-class» nobility of Kharkiv governorship, it was shown that the property status of the nobleman was not directly dependent on his rank. At the same time, the high career and property positions of nobles were often reinforced by origin, family ties, and successful marriages. The main source in the study was the third part of the genealogy book of Kharkov governorship of 1786-1799. This document is stored in the collection department of rare editions and manuscripts of the Central Scientific Library of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Source: Sergey I. Degtyarev, Mikola A. Mikhaylichenko, Lyubov G. Polyakova, Jasmin Gut (2019) Components of the Intra-Noble Status (Analysis of the «Eight-Class» Nobility of the Kharkiv Governorship of 1786−1799). Bylye Gody. 2019. Vol. 54. Is. 4: 1514-1523

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