Scientific Information Agency
07 September 2020

East European Historical Society (2015–2020): Foundation and Development

Bylye Gody
East European Historical Society (2015–2020): Foundation and Development

This paper examines the diverse activity of the East European Historical Society, in conjunction with the institution’s fifth anniversary. A special focus is given to the Society’s life in the period from 2015 to 2020. The work’s materials are grounded in some specialized literature and a body of research literature, as well as certain resources available on the Center’s website. In working on this paper, the authors made wide use of the descriptive, statistical, and problem-historical methods, which helped put together a comprehensive picture of the relevant events in their historical sequence. Drawing a conclusion, the authors point out that over the first five years of the Society’s existence, its founders formulated regulatory documents, designed symbols, developed the organizational structure and identified key items on the agenda. The agenda primarily covers the following areas: supporting research projects on relevant topics (including organization of funded research competitions); ensuring wide publicity for the findings brought by studies in the history of Eastern Europe (engaging an information agency) and facilitating member publication activities (which is reflected in the Web of Science scientometric database).

Source: Natolochnaya O., Makarov Yu., Allalyev R, Svechnikov V. (2020) East European Historical Society (2015–2020): Foundation and Development. Bylye Gody. Vol. 57. Is. 3: 1409-1412

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