Very often we see that our perceptions about a specific time or a specific personmay be altered by bias, ideology or simplybymisunderstandingfacts.Based on the information preserved in the press andinmemoirs, we will try to follow how the representations of various generations concerning a character —Eugeniu Carada, in this case —transited from passionate criticism to adulation and praises. This article argues in favour of accepting that our ways of understanding the past and the sense of the past are often tributary to either a rhetoric that is propagandistic (intentionally ornot), or to legitimization exercises, or even to the temptation of leaving behind a certain image for posterity.
Source: Bîrsan S. (2017) Eugeniu Carada:The Dynamic of Perceptions Across Time. Romanian Journal of History and International Studies. Vol. 4. Is. 3: 123-143
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