Scientific Information Agency
23 January 2020

History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov’s Family and Business, His Private and Public Life

East European History
History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov’s Family and Business, His Private and Public Life

A cultural value analysis of pre-revolutionary time buildings is necessary stage in determining of the material basis of the cultural capital of Votkinsk. The study focuses on the reconstruction of the history of the Kutuzovs family, entrepreneurs of the 19th century from Votkinsk, their business, private and public life. As a result, the houses of Kutuzovs family were found, including the house of a merchant Ivan Mikhailovich Kutuzov, which is now the part of the complex of buildings in the Tchaikovsky museum-estate in Votkinsk, and it is still nameless. The article also describes the life lines of the merchant Kutuzov’s children and their different entrepreneurial abilities, as well as the history of the occurrence and destruction of St. Nicholas Mirlikiysky’s church, for the construction of which I.M. Kutuzov invested a significant amount of his own funds.

Source: Olga Yu. Larionova (2019) History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov’s Family and Business, His Private and Public Life. East European History. 5(1): 14-24

Source web-site: http://

Number of views: 1881
