Scientific Information Agency
11 January 2020

Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev – Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material

Russkaya Starina
Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev – Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material

The article deals with the activities of Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev on the collecting and studying folklore and ethnographic materials. Particular attention in his work was focused on materials related to the life and customs of Moscow burghers. Of particular interest are the descriptions of the types of Moscow artisans, their professional folklore (proverbs, prescriptions, professional jargon and signs). The author pays great attention to the description of the holidays and festivals, as well as the games. Kokorev published the songs of the citizens (round dance, table, ritual, cruel romances) and actively used them in his works. He showed great attention to the peculiarities of the costume of the urban lower classes, urban amusements, folk cooking, wedding ceremonies. The writer turned out to be a very attentive and scrupulous collector of folklore and ethnographic material. He was one of the few who paid attention to the folklore tradition and customs of the townsfolk. Kokorev’s essays are especially interesting being based on his personal observations on the life of Moscow, its holidays and everyday life.

Source: Varvara Е. Dobrovolskaya (2019) Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev – Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material. Russkaya Starina. 10(1): 74-82

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